Key Information

Home School Agreement

We aim to raise aspirations and achievement of all students in a safe, stimulating learning environment.
We invite you to work with us in a partnership, to help your child fulfil their potential.


The School will:

  • Provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.

  • Provide a balanced, stimulating and well-taught curriculum to meet the needs of your child.

  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour in the classroom supported by building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility.

  • Set, mark and monitor appropriate independent or home study.

  • Check and sign planner weekly.

  • Keep you informed about your child’s progress in school and other school related matters.

  • Be welcoming to parents and provide opportunities to become involved in the life of the school.

  • Ensure that all students follow the school’s Code of Conduct.


I will:

  • Attend school every day, on time and wearing full and correct uniform.

  • Bring correct equipment, planner and personal reading book to school every day.

  • Follow the Code of Conduct and respect all other members of the school community.

  • Do my best both in class and in my independent study.

  • Take a mature and active part in the life of the school.

  • Make the most of the opportunities given to me.


As Parent/Carer I will:

  • Take an active interest in all aspects of my child’s school life.

  • Make sure that my child attends school regularly, on time and is properly equipped for all lessons and activities, including wearing full school uniform.

  • Ensure I contact school if my child is ill or unable to attend.

  • Make sure that my child completes work that is set according to the school’s guidelines by checking and signing the planner weekly.

  • Encourage my child to follow the school’s Code of Conduct and support any agreed action taken by the school.

  • Support the school in recognising that the appropriate conduct of students is necessary to create a positive learning environment for everyone.

  • Encourage my child to develop attitudes and values appropriate to life in a multi-racial and culturally diverse society.

  • Attend parent meetings to discuss my child’s progress.

  • Let the school know about any concerns and problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.